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Sequelize Versioning Policy

Sequelize follows semantic versioning (semver) principles. Learn more about semver here.

This page regroups information related to which engines versions are supported by Sequelize


SequelizeNode.jsTypescriptRelease DateEOL
7 (alpha)>= 18.0.0>= 5.0
6 (current)>= 10>= 4.12020-06-24
5 (eol)>=6>= 3.12019-03-132022-01-01

* ❓ means the date has not been determined yet.

PostgreSQL Support Table

In Sequelize 6, PostgreSQL requires the use of the pg (or pg-native) npm package. Read more about this here.


According to pg's documentation, only pg >= 8.2 is compatible with Node 14. If you're trying to use Sequelize 6 in Node 14 or newer, use that version of pg.

7 (alpha)>= 11N/A1>=3.0.0
6 (current)>= 9.5>= 7.8 (node < 14)
>= 8.2 (node >= 14)

MariaDB Support Table

In Sequelize 6, MariaDB requires the use of the mariadb npm package. Read more about this here.

SequelizeMariaDBmariadb (npm)
7 (alpha)>=10.4.30N/A1
6 (current)>=10.3^2.3.3

MySQL Support Table

In Sequelize 6, MySQL requires the use of the mysql2 npm package. Read more about this here.

7 (alpha)>=8.0.19N/A1
6 (current)^5.7, ^8.0>= 2.3.3

Microsoft SQL Server (mssql) Support Table

In Sequelize 6, MSSQL requires the use of the tedious npm package. Read more about this here.

SequelizeSQL Servertedious
7 (alpha)2017-2022N/A1
6 (current)2014-2019^8.3.0

SQLite Support Table

In Sequelize 6, Sequelize uses the sqlite3 npm library. Read more about this here.


sqlite3@^4 has security vulnerabilities which are fixed by the @vscode/sqlite3 fork. We recommend using that if you can not update to sqlite3@^5.0.3.

7 (alpha)sqlite3@^5.0.3
6 (current)@vscode/sqlite3@^4.0.12, or sqlite3@^5.0.3

Snowflake Support Table

In Sequelize 6, Snowflake requires the use of the snowflake-sdk npm package. Read more about this here.


While this dialect is included in Sequelize, support for Snowflake is limited as it is not handled by the core team.

7 (alpha)allN/A1
6 (current)all^1.6.0

Db2 Support Table

In Sequelize 6, Db2 requires the use of the ibm_db npm package.


While this dialect is included in Sequelize, support for Db2 is limited as it is not handled by the core team.

7 (alpha)>= 11.5N/A1
6 (current)>= 11.5^2.8.0

Db2 for IBM i Support Table


While this dialect is included in Sequelize, support for Db2 for IBM i is limited as it is not handled by the core team.

SequelizeDb2 for IBM i
7 (alpha)unknown
6 (current)not available

Oracle Database Support Table

In Sequelize 6, Oracle Database requires the use of the node-oracledb npm package. Read more about this here.

SequelizeOracle Databasenode-oracledb
7 (alpha)upcomingN/A1
6 (current)>= 18.4^5.4.0


  1. Connector libraries do not need to be installed manually anymore. 2 3 4 5 6 7